Young Adults

At St Matts, our young adults are an integral and vibrant part of our multigenerational church family. Whether you’re a student, a young professional, or navigating the early years of adulthood, we provide opportunities to connect, grow in faith, and build meaningful relationships. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities this season of life brings, and we aim to create a supportive and welcoming space where you can belong, be encouraged, and find your place in God’s story.

Our young adult community loves to come together for food, fun, and fellowship. From casual meet-ups over coffee to shared meals, social events, and opportunities to serve in the church and the wider community, there’s always something going on.

One of the best ways to build meaningful relationships and grow in your faith as a young adult is by joining a Connect Group. These small groups are a core part of our church community, offering a space to gather midweek with others for friendship, prayer, and deeper Bible study. For young adults, Connect Groups are a great way to find support, not just from others your age, but from those who have a greater breadth of experience in life and faith. If this is something you might be interested in, please contact the church office for more information.

